Welcome to Winona's Hemp & Heritage Farm

Why we should get on a biodiverse, greener path


Thought Leaders, Influencers and Luminaries Come Together to Share, Discuss, Inspire and Revel Around the Topic of Healing the Planet at Flow Kana’s Inaugural Event: FLOW TALKS: CANNABIS AS A CATALYST FOR CHANGE.

Opal Tometi, Jason Silva, Steven Kotler, Snoop Dogg, Winona LaDuke, Karim Webb, David Bronner, and More Deliver Powerful Calls to Action


To create an Indigenous women-led regenerative economy that is kind to the Earth.

We grow with love.  Winona’s Hemp wants to change how we relate to the natural world, our Mother Earth. We are going to do this through restorative agriculture, based on Anishinaabe knowledge and an integrated farming program with as little fossil fuels as possible. We are going to grow organic hemp fiber, food and construction products.

For most of my life I have been farming. That’s to say that I have grown heritage corn, beans, squash, potatoes, tobacco and some other cool stuff.  We love our plants, and they do well. My father once told me that he did not want to hear my philosophy if I could not grow corn.  He was a wise man. So I grow corn.

For the past three years, we have been growing industrial hemp under permits with the state of Minnesota. Those permits insure that our hemp is below .3 percent THC,  and is inspected annually by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. We work, omaa akiing, here in the land to which the Anishinaabeg belong, the lands of the l855 treaty territories and the lands of our ancestors.

We are about the next economy; we call it the Eighth Fire, or oshki bimaatisiiwin.  We are Native owned, organic hemp fiber and product producers located in northern Minnesota.

We are interested in creating textiles for the people and the planet. Those textiles will be primarily hemp. We want to grow hemp because, the plant heals, and the textiles made from hemp are gentle to the Earth.  It’s time for Winona’s Hemp.

We are moving forward towards a green future. Winona's Hemp & Heritage Farm... it's time.